

Learn Through Anime! Immunity and the Vaccine

These animations explain the process of infection of the novel coronavirus, the function of immunity, and the mechanism of mRNA vaccines.

Please use it to help you decide on vaccination.

Chapter 1 “Infected by the Novel Coronavirus”

What happens in the body when a person is infected with the novel coronavirus and how does it lead to the onset of infectious disease?

The intense battle between immune cells and the new coronavirus is now animated.

Hang in there, immune cells! Don't lose, immune cells!


Chapter 2 “The Role of mRNA Vaccines”

The first dose of the vaccine has been administered, so are we now ready to fight the novel coronavirus?!

Please watch the second episode, in which we examine the cooperative efforts of the immune cells.


Chapter 3 “The Second Vaccine”

As soon as the second vaccination was completed, the novel coronavirus entered the body....

But we are ready to fight! Hang in there, immune cells! Don't lose, immune cells!




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