

札幌市GX・金融企業誘致セミナー/Seminar to attract GX and financial businesses



In June, Sapporo, along with Hokkaido, was designated as a special zone for financial and asset management businesses as well as a National Strategic Special Zone by the Japanese government. With this designation, the City of Sapporo is making efforts to realize Hokkaido and Sapporo as the financial center for Asia and beyond, attracting green transformation-related funding, talent, and information from across the globe.

This seminar will present Hokkaido and Sapporo's initiatives as a designated special business zone, while providing an opportunity to network with related agencies. The event also aims to encourage businesses to expand to Sapporo, promote new green transformation-related projects in the city, as well as attract funding that facilitate these developments. The event will be attended by representatives from financial institutions in the Tokyo metropolitan area,  embassies in Tokyo, and international chambers of commerce.

開催概要/Event Outline

(1)名称:札幌市GX・金融企業誘致セミナー「札幌で未来を創る -札幌から変える、始まる未来への投資-」
(3)会場:東京ミッドタウン八重洲カンファレンス 大会議室(2:セミナー、1:ネットワーキング)
    (東京都中央区八重洲2-2-1 東京ミッドタウン八重洲 八重洲セントラルタワー4階)
(7)主催:札幌市、協力:Team Sapporo-Hokkaido


  • 開会
  • プレゼンテーション 秋元 克広(札幌市長)
  • 基調講演 大塚 茂樹 氏(エア・ウォーター(株)取締役 専務執行役員 ガス製造・エンジニアリング部門管掌 グローバル&エンジニアリンググループ担当兼エンジニアリングセンター長)
  • - 休憩(15時50分~16時00分) -
  • パネルディスカッション「GX・金融をリードする今後の札幌・北海道への期待について」
    パネリスト:阿部 修平 氏(スパークス・グループ株式会社 代表取締役社長)
          大塚 茂樹 氏(エア・ウォーター(株)取締役 専務執行役員)
          高田 英樹 氏(GX推進機構 理事)
          秋元 克広(札幌市長)

   モデレーター:牧之瀬mumu 氏(JIAM シニアエキスパート)

  • 閉会


(1)Title:Seminar “GX and Financial Business Opportunities in Sapporo”
(2)Date & Time:Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 15:00-18:30(Doors open at 14:30)
(3)Venue:Tokyo Midtown Yaesu Conference, Main Conference Room 2 (for the Seminar) or Room 1 (for the Networking Event)
 (Tokyo Midtown Yaesu Yaesu Central Tower 4F, 2-2-1 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
(4)Participation Fee:Free
(5)Expected participants:Domestic and overseas asset management (investment) firms, Embassies in Tokyo, Chambers of Commerce  *Simultaneous interpretation available.
(6) Capacity:100 people (first-come-first-served basis) *In-person participation only.
(7) Organized by:City of Sapporo,  Special Cooperation: Team Sapporo-Hokkaido
(8) Program:*Speakers and order are subject to change.

<Part 1>Seminar(15:00-17:00)

  • Opening
  • Presentation by Katsuhiro Akimoto, Mayor of Sapporo
  • Keynote speech by Shigeki Otsuka, Corporate Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer, In Charge of Gas manufacturing and Engineering, Global & Engineering General Manager, Engineering Center, AIR WATER INC.
  • - Break(15:50-16:00)-
  • Panel discussion: “The Future of Sapporo and Hokkaido as a Leading Hub for Green Transformation and Finance”
    Panelists:Shuhei Abe, President and Group CEO, SPARX Group Co.,Ltd.;Shigeki Otsuka, Corporate Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer, AIR WATER INC. ;Hideki Takada, Director, GX Acceleration Agency; Katsuhiro Akimoto, Mayor of Sapporo
    Moderator:mumu Makinose, JIAM Senior Expert
  • -Closing

<Part 2>Networking Event(17:00-18:30)



Registration is now closed. Thank you for signing up.

留意事項/Points to note

 Please note that the program may change prior to the day of the seminar.
 The organizer may refuse participation of those who do not conform to the purpose of the seminar.




〒060-0001 札幌市中央区北1条西3丁目3番地 ばらと北1条ビル8階

